CSS Delivery Tool

by feedthebot
Displays how CSS is used on a webpage.

How Does This Test Function?

This tool analyzes your web page(s) to identify opportunities for optimizing CSS delivery. It examines various aspects of your CSS implementation and provides actionable recommendations to enhance performance.

What Does This Tool Check For?

  • Number of CSS files: Evaluates the quantity of CSS files your page loads;
  • Inlining of CSS: Determines whether CSS is inlined within the HTML or linked externally;
  • Minification of CSS: Checks if CSS files are efficiently minified to reduce file size;
  • Usage of STYLE tags: Examines the presence of STYLE tags inside the HTML body;
  • CSS @import directives: Assesses the use of @import directives to call CSS files;
  • CSS Expression properties: Identifies usage of CSS Expression properties, which can impact performance;
  • AlphaImageLoader filters: Checks for usage of AlphaImageLoader filters in CSS.

How Does This Improve Page Loading Speed?

Optimizing CSS delivery ensures that CSS scripts do not delay the rendering of your web pages, particularly critical above-the-fold content. For example, external CSS files can prevent immediate page rendering. By replacing them with inlined CSS scripts, this tool helps mitigate such issues and identifies areas on your website requiring CSS delivery optimization.