Does your site follow the Google
webmaster guidelines?

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Introduction to the Google Webmaster Guidelines

The Google webmaster guidelines are a set of recommended practices provided by Google to help those seeking to be ranked, indexed and displayed by Google.

These guidelines are the foundation of all SEO efforts, and anyone wanting to rank well in Google should be following them. Some of the guidelines are common sense, some are very technical and all of them are very important to how your website ranks in Google. 1

Let’s look at each one of them one by one…

Complete Guide to SEO Title Tag With The Best Practices

Complete Guide to SEO Title Tag

Make sure that your "title" elements and ALT attributes are descriptive and accurate.

robots txt file

A SEO Guide To The Robots.txt File

The content of your robots.txt file tells search engine crawlers how they should visit your site. Don't block Google by mistake.

Paid Links

What are Paid Links?

Paid links and advertisements should not pass pagerank. If it does on your webpages, you will likely be penalized.

How to Use Robots.txt to Block Unuseful Pages And Why Does It Matter? [Guide]

Block Unuseful Pages

Blocking pages that do not add much value can really boost your rankings. Every page Google has indexed from your site should be amazing.

What are Link Schemes and Why You Need Avoid Them?

Avoid Link Schemes

Who you link to and who links to you affects your ranking in the Google results. Make sure you are not in any bad neighborhoods. Link relationships are described in depth.

Sneaky Redirects - The Compleat Guide

Avoid Sneaky Redirects

Hiding redirects in javascript or other manipulative methods is bad. Users should always be sent where they expect to go.

Complete Guide About Hidden Text and Links in SEO

Don't Use Hidden Text or Links

Using hidden text or links on your webpages is easily detected by Google. Your site will be penalized if you do this.

Complete Guide to Doorway Pages, Why You Should Avoid It?

Avoid Doorway Pages

Doorway pages are webpages that are "optimized" for particular keyword phrases and only exist to capture that keyword phrase in search engine results.

What is the Impact of Scraped Content on SEO? - Guide

Don't Use Scraped Content

Using scraped or stolen content is against the Google webmaster guidelines and it is also against the law. Not a good idea.

All You Need to Know About Badware and How It Hurts Your SEO

Don't Add Badware to Pages

Don't be mean. Adding viruses, trojans, or other badware to your webpages is a sure fire way to lose trust, traffic, and ranking.

Rich Snippets: Enhance Your SEO Effectively

Don't Abuse Rich Snippets

Misleading or false information in your rich snippet mark up will result in lower rankings.

Broken Links: What is It, How to Find and Fix Them?

Broken Links and Correct HTML

No one enjoys clicking on a link that seems to be exactly what they are looking for only to find that no web page is there.

What are Dynamic Pages and How to Optimize Them for Boosting SEO Performance?

Dynamic Pages

Dynamic pages must be able to be understood by Google. They face special challenges which are described in this guideline.

session tracking

Session IDs and Tracking

Don't confuse Googlebot with session id's and other tracking methods.

What is Mobile Page Speed

All You Need to Know About Mobile Page Speed